08 May 2013

Baby Dumping: Frightening Reality

Malaysia is proud to go into the new millennium, and science-oriented technology.  But they are inattentive to the social development of the country.  Every day, there are reports that found the baby in the toilet, in the side drains or dump site, river, bush and other places without any sense of humanity.
          Baby dumping means that the acts of throw away the babies at any places without take care or protect the babies.  Most of us used to read it on the front page of the newspaper.  Body of baby with the umbilical cord still intact found in dustbin, teen girl gives birth in a college toilet and leave the child for dead in a dumpster, a human fetus was found in a sewage pump station.  These stories relate to one of the most frightening realities of our culture today.  How we can still read the same bad news in IT world today?
          Based on statistics of baby dumping since 2005, it had increased from 57 to 63 cases in 2006.  2008 has recorded the highest rate in baby dumping with 102 cases.  Total of 472 babies discarded since 2005 to 2010.  According to Community, Family and Women Ministry, baby dumping cases had already achieved to thousands per a year.  Suddenly this problem has become as a big issue in Malaysia.  Why this problem could happen?
Much research has taken place on why humans, the supposedly superior race, can resort to baby dumping.  Many studies found that maternal inexperience and social ranking were the key factors to baby dumping.  Other psychologist claim that this cruel act occurs because mothers are in denial due to social pressures against early or unplanned pregnancies.
          There are many causes that lead to baby dumping get worsen like unwanted pregnancies, embarrassed with community of illegal pregnancies, widespread access to porn web and television, social relationship beyond the limit between young unmarried couple as well as free mixing between the sexes, men irresponsibility,  rape victim, and less of religious education.  Besides that, New Year’s and Valentine’s Day celebration, young mothers failed to control their emotion and low living standard cause that girls take shortcut to get money easily by working as a prostitute.

          Unwanted pregnancies is one of the major causes of baby dumping as most of these young women are not prepared to take care of the baby and try to get rid of the illegitimate child.  Men irresponsibility also contributes to the women decision to dump the baby.  If you’re going to have sex, then accept the consequences.  But if you’re not able to care for a child, then don’t have sex or use protection.  If you were responsible enough to have sex you are responsible enough to have a child.
As the act of lying to conceal that they are willing to remove baby with the hope that given the opportunity to lead a new life.  This also caused by them that are not willing and insult ridiculed by the local community.
In addition, the attitude of people who do not care, just arms, and ignore the issue was a cause of these symptoms worsens.  They are considered that because this issue is a disgrace.

There is also the only member of the community point the finger of the youth.  In their view this is the trigger for the occurrence of dumping baby independent interactions.  Especially young people who like loitering and wasting time in vain considered a pariah.  As a society, we supposed to build the minor criticism.  In addition errors the most obvious is the attitude of men and women who commit adultery at one liver.  They belong among the less religious education.  After that lost their sense of responsibility for what they do willing to sacrifice children.
The penalty is less severe cases also encourage the removal of this baby.  The penalty imposed is longer imprisonment and high fines that could that could performed by the offender.
Encouragement of certain bodies and agencies that are willing to protect the victim is also encouraging parents to remove their children.  They think there are people who love their children and keep them well.  Most parents love their children so unfeeling.
Prevention should be made as it goes worsen.  Some programs would be tailored to youth to educate them on their responsibilities as parents and sexual partners.

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